Atomic Energy Po Box 1114 Jobs 2021
Atomic Energy Po Box 1114 Jobs 2021 is looking for significantly blazing, able, qualified, and fit Pakistan Nationals for the course of action against the following posts. Contenders fulfilling the fundamental Criteria as referred to against each might apply for thoughts.
- Current Governors of Pakistan KPK, Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab, Gb and AJK
- Current Inspector Generals of Police
- Gilgit Baltistan Current Ministers
- Today Punjab Police Written Paper Constable Lady Constable Driver Constable Traffic Assistants 22 March 2024
- Who is the Current Chief Selector of Pakistan Cricket Team?
Void Position Atomic Energy Po Box 1114 Jobs 2021
Tech-I (Telecom) (SPS-4) (Regular)
Tech-I (Mechanical) (BPS-4) (Regular)
Tech-I (HVAC) (SPS-4) (Regular)
Tech-I (Civil) (SPS-4) (Regular)
Intelligent Assistant (SPS-4) (Regular)
Jr. Associate (Admin) (SPS-4) (Regular)
Jr, Assistant (A/Cs) (SPS-4) (Regular)
Regulator II (SPS-4) (Regular)
Telecom Operator-I(SPS-4) (Regular)
Sr. Mali (SPS-3) (Contract)
Server I (SPS-3) (Contract)
Telecom Operator II (SPS-3) (Regular)
Cockerel II (SPS-II) (Contract)
Drives-Hi (SPS-2) (Contract)
Various Requirements Atomic Energy Po Box 1114 Jobs 2021
- Qualified contenders may apply online through IP Address: https// inside fifteen (15) Gays after conveyance of the Public Notice.
- Where the ousted capacity is first division in the last degree! statement only one second division is allowed in the enter academic business (metric ahead).
- Age ought not be more than 35 years and under 18 years upto closing date of advancement.
- Up-and-comers probably gained all educational! verification/declarations/degrees from Govt. seen foundations.
- All essentials for instance degrees! experience/courses, etc ought to be done by dosing date of notice.
- contenders recently used n Govt/Semi Govt. ‘Autonomous Organizations ought to apply through suitable channel and No Objection Certificate (NOC) divider be required at the be of Test/meet.
- Experience may be seen as f acquired after the base embraced assessment (post ability experience).
- Only the up-and-comers who fulfill the suggested qualified Criteria may apply. Information as for Capacity experience’ grade/division gave in the application will be seen as last and any change lain at all divider not be sufficient during or after Selection.
- Any camouflage about ability, etc will be treated as equivalent to trickiness and oversaw properly. Candidature of such Individuals will be dropped at any stage and no case whatsoever will be Alright during or after assurance.
- The carefully of precision of the data will lay totally on the candidate. Any misguided take entry divider lead to intersection out of the enrollment pattern of candidate at vaporous stage.
- Individual having twofold character or hitched to new open isn’t able to apply.
- Applications against the Posts of SPS-2 and SPS-3 will be on arrangement premise.
- Just Shortlisted up-and-comers having major experience f required in relevant field will be called for test meet.
- Picked candidates can be named wherever in Pakistan.
- No TA/DA will be reasonable for appearing in test meet.
Sr. Chairman Officer (Personnel) P.O.Box No. 1114, GPO, Islamabad Ph No. 051-9209032-9 (Ext:2611)
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