Intelligence Bureau IB Jobs 2020 – Advertisement
Intelligence Bureau IB jobs 2020. Government of Pakistan Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division. Federal Govt Organization IB Vacant posts of different cadres ranging from (bps-01 to bps-14) ASI (GD BS 11), ASI (OM BS 11), ASI (Tech BS 11), Constable OM (BS-07), SCD (BS-04), DR (BS-04), NC (BS-01), and cook (BS-01) in Intelligence Bureau as mentioned in the O.M under reference.
Intelligence Bureau IB Jobs 2020 – Advertisement introduction/ What is IB
Those who are tired of their routine jobs and want to do something exciting that also involves them serving their country can apply for IB Jobs. This place is a dream organization of various people and they can easily join their team by working hard and by being honest. Being at the forefront of the security, Intelligence Bureau wants to hire people who are good at working in challenging environments and provide an unparalleled learning opportunity to build your skillset. New employees will get insight into projects and firsthand experience about the organization and team through their project managers. Official interviews and tests are conducted by NTS on behalf of this organization and provide them with talented manpower. They have currently posted advertisements of jobs for people who are from Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, and across Pakistan.
IB stands for Intelligence Bureau which is a civilian intelligence agency in Pakistan. It is the oldest Intelligence Agency of Pakistan which is established on August 17, 1947, almost 71 years ago. Its headquarters is located in Islamabad. Its operations includes the monitoring of politicians, political activists, suspected terrorists, and suspected foreign intelligence agents.
NOC for recruitment against 405 vacant posts in various ranks in Intelligence Bureau IB on a Contract/Regular basis.
List of Available Vacancies Intelligence Bureau IB Jobs 2020
- ASI General Duty (GD BS 11)
- ASI Office Management (OM BS 11)
- ASI (Tech BS 11)
- Constable Office Management OM (BS-07)
- SCD (BS-04)
- DR (BS-04)
- NC (BS-01)
- Cook (BS-01)
Salary and Benefits
Jobs in Intelligence Bureau give a great chance to their employees to learn and grow in their respective fields and make their company successful by collective efforts. From their professional management’s point of view, team spirit is the real thing that can help you make a healthy community where everybody practices patients and respect towards others. Few other great incentives given by this professional team are written down for your knowledge:
- Well-maintained place
- Residential accommodation
- Education for children
- Scholarships for graduates
- Peaceful and self-sustained environment
- Retirement plans
- Learning opportunities
- Traveling allowances
This notice is valid for a period of six (06) months from the date of its issuance, However, according to para -1 of recruitment policy guidelines dated 22-10-2014, as amended from time to time recruitment is required to be finalized within 120 days from the date of advertisement.
The advertisement to be published for recruitment may be forwarded by the concerned Ministry/ Division directly to the press information department information & broadcasting division. However, the appointing authority of the concerned Ministry/ Division/department/organization shall ensure completion of all procedural and code requirements in letter & spirit in line with the recruitment policy while making recruitment and will be held responsible for illegality if any.
GD-11, COOK, TECH, Steno typist(BS-14), FRASH, OM(BS-11), GD-07, Data Entry Operator(BS-12), Staff Car Driver / Dispatch Rider(BS-04), NC(BS-01), OM(BS-07)
How to Apply for IB Jobs?
Candidates who are trying to apply for IB Jobs but they do not know about the process of application. They can read further to know about the complete procedure and few guidelines to successfully submit an application. You can easily apply the official website But This Jobs will be coming Soon by making an account with your name and data. Look for the online application form and put in all your original information regarding your academic data. You can search for a job position that can get your interest. Shortlisting of deserving applicants will be done and interviews will be conducted by a panel of professional people. All suitable candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their education and behavioral competency. In interview questions regarding your qualification can be asked and they can also test your potential by asking you different functional questions.
Official Letter Intelligence Bureau IB Jobs 2020 – Advertisement

Intelligence Bureau IB Jobs 2020