EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs 2021
EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs 2021 EDUBIZ (PRIVATE) LIMITED is enlisted under Section 16 of the Companies Act, 2017 (XTX of 2017) explicitly to advance, set up, run, oversee and keep up with instructive organizations, universities of expressions, research, sciences, Information innovation and business organization, more elevated level schools.
institutes. specialized instructional hubs and such other instructive foundations as might be considered fitting for the advancement and progression of schooling in the country with public and worldwide affiliations to secure the administrations of teachers. academic partners, right hand educators, speakers, instructors, the executives abilities, and other expert from inside the nation and abroad as would be expected to run and advance college and related organizations set up.
EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs 2021
The originator of the organization point lo advance advanced education in the less evolved spaces of Punjab in first stage. Making stride towards the achievement of the reason, EDUBIZ (PRIVATE) LIMTED will dispatch an advanced education foundation in the city of Karor Lal Esan, District Layyah. for whom, following detail is required. EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs
- Boeing Internship Program (Fully Funded)
- British Council Internship 2022 | Internship in UK
- Scholarships in Germany 2023 | Fully Funded Scholarships
- Ehsaas Waseela Taleem Program 2021
Empty Positions:
- Educator t Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Botany, Urdu English)
- Academic administrator (Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Botany, Urdu.English)
- Right hand Professor (Mathematics, Computer Sciences. Business Administration, Botany. Urdu, English)
- Instructor (Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Botany. Urdu. English)
- Lab Assistant (Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Botany)
- Convention Officer
- Individual Statf Officer
- Office Assistant
- Enlistment center
- Representative Registrar
- Collaborator Registrar
- Confirmation Officer
- Front Desk Officer
- Financial officer
- Appointee Treasurer
- Partner Treasurer
- Bookkeeper
- Regulators Examinations
- Appointee Controller Examinations
- Partner Controller Examinations
- Administrator PR and Marketing
- Dy. Administrator Public Liasoning and Media Management
- Appointee Manager Advertisement
- lncharge Alumni Association
- Incharge Industrial Linkages’ Placement
- Web/Social Media Content Creator
- Chief Planning and General Administration
- Appointee Director Procurement and Purchase
- Appointee Director Planning and Development
- Appointee Director Sports
- Resources Manager
- Incharge Library and Seminar Hall
- Incharge Security and Sanitation
- lncharge Physical Education
- Clinical Officer
- Exploration Assistant
- Library Assistant
- Incharge Stores and Inventory
- Organization Administrator
- Advanced Security Invigilator
- Office Assistant
- PC Operator
- Chief Quality Assurance
- Appointee Director Audit and (Internal Control
Why Join Us?
- We are an equivalent chance manager and are resolved to give secure work space to the representatives, all things considered. That is the reason both male and female applicants are urged to apply.
- We offer ability pay bundles to all workers with added advantages of well being and fife protection and other compulsory recompenses. We likewise offer unique rewards and execution additions to the persevering and serious representatives. EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs
- We broadly center around HR preparing and improvement and give equivalent freedom to cach representative to dominate his/her vocation in his significant field
- Current Governors of Pakistan KPK, Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab, Gb and AJK
- Current Inspector Generals of Police
- Gilgit Baltistan Current Ministers
- Today Punjab Police Written Paper Constable Lady Constable Driver Constable Traffic Assistants 22 March 2024
- Who is the Current Chief Selector of Pakistan Cricket Team?
How to Apply EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs 2021 ?
- Interested up-and-comers are encouraged to email their refreshed resume at [email protected] with cover chain in the body of the email.
- Subject of the email should incorporate Sr. Number and tile of the promoted post alongside division name for which the competitor plans to apply EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs
- Foreign degree holders should give comparability authentication gave by HEC. whenever chose, EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs
- Only shortlisted up-and-comers will be brought in for meet No TADA will be cushion.
- Employer maintain whatever authority is needed to expand decline the quantity of posts, not to fill pull out any post, retain the arrangement against any promoted post, consider any candidate for arrangement in a lower grade of some other situation, without appointing any explanation. EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs
- 21 September, 2021 Last date to apply:
- For More Government Jobs Visit:
EDUBIZ Organization Different Latest Jobs 2021