KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021
KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021 The Directorate of antiquarianism and Museums Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa welcome uses of qualified applicants (Male/Female) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the accompanying customary posts according to recommended necessities/capability.
KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021
Empty Positions:
- PC Operator (BPS-16)
- Preservation Assistant (BPS-12)
- Display Assistant (BPS-12)
- Library Assistant(BPS-12)
- Assessor (BPS-12)
- Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
- Booking Clerk (BPS-11}
- Booking Clerk (BPS-10)
- Vendor (BPS-10)
- Aide Photographer(BPS-9}
- Picture taker (BPS-8)
- Electrical technician (BPS-7)
- Driver (BPS-6)
- Boeing Internship Program (Fully Funded)
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- Scholarships in Germany 2023 | Fully Funded Scholarships
- Ehsaas Waseela Taleem Program 2021
Agreements KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021:
- Meeting/call letters will be given to the shortlisted applicants as it were. 2. Shortlisting of applicants will be founded on composed/screening/ability test result led by ETEA @ 07 (seven) up-and-comer per opportunity. Be that as it may, the quantity of up-and-comers might be expanded to 10 (Ten) for an opportunity whenever required essential. 3. In light of ETEA screening/composed test, up-and-comers getting 50 imprints or more will be shortlisted and called for additional enrollment cycle. 4. The Directorate maintained all authority to drop or diminish the posts whenever. Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
Measures for determination (Total Marks=200)
- 100 Marks for ETEA Test (half of aggregate).
- 100 Marks according to Esta Code (half of aggregate).
- Experience imprints will be granted to just those applicants who have pertinent experience of full time paid work in Government area. Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Experience of Self-business and free practice in any discipline Or as Volunteer OR as Self-Internee will convey no imprints. Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Up-and-comers ought to be qualified in all regard till the last date of receipt of the applications I e. 22 September 2021
- The up-and-comers working in Government/Semi-Government bodies ought to apply through appropriate channel.
- Unique records shail be created at the hour of meeting alongside authenticated duplicates of all tributes.
- If there should be an occurrence of unfamiliar degree, identical authentications from HEC should be given. Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Blunders/Omissions in Advertisement and in No. of Posts are dependent upon amendment.
The most effective method to APPLY KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021:
- Intrigued applicants may initially visit and apply for the posts on the web. After fruitful accommodation of online application, an endorsed UBL online store slips (having token number. Task Code and competitors individual data) will be created.
- Take a printout of the produced UBL store slip and store Rs. 500/ – as test expense (non-refundable) in any part of UBL on that endorsed printed store slip of UBL.
- After fruitful expense accommodation, if it’s not too much trouble, keep the first slip and store slip (competitor duplicate) having bank wanted stamp with yourself and don’t impart it to anybody. KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- An applicant expecting to apply for more than one post will apply independently for each post. KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Kindly don’t send any records to ETEA: arrangement of archives/tributes, with the online application won’t be needed at the hour of accommodation of structures/before the test. Duplicates of tributes/archives will be that as it may, be given by the short-recorded applicants just in the screening test as when needed by ETEA/selecting expert for examination purposes after the screening test. KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Accessibility of online Application structure on on 07 September 2021. 8. Last date for accommodation of online application is 22nd September 2021.
- Applicant will be educated through SMS by ETEA to download and print their Roll No. Slip from KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums
- Test date. Time and scene will be referenced on Roll No. Slip.
- No different call letter will be given to contender for screening test through postal/dispatch implies.
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NOTE/IMPORTANT KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021:
- Please keep your records and visa size checked picture (Soft Copy) with you at the hour of online apply. » Read the directions completely prior to filling the online application structure. * ETEA will confirm stored charge at any stage. In the event that your installment isn’t confirmed, your candidature shail be dismissed. + Fee kept on another person CNIC shail not be confirmed. » Unclaimed capability won’t be acknowledged. * Applications of that load of applicants who don’t give right data while recording the online application structure won’t be dismissed just, however would be continued against and severe move will be made against them.
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KP Directorate of Antiquarianism and Museums Jobs 2021