Pak Army Po Box GPO 750 Rawalpindi Jobs 2021
Pak Army Po Box GPO 750 Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 Applications are welcomed for the accompanying impermanent presents probably on become extremely durable a Government Organization. Brief terms curve conditions far qualification are shown against each.
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Pak Army Po Box GPO 750 Rawalpindi Jobs 2021
Empty Position:
- Colleague (BPS-15)
- Factual Assistant BPS-15
- Stenotypist BPS-14
- Security Supervisor (Technical) (BPS-14)
- DEO Date Entry Operator BPS-14
- Library Assistant BPS-12
- Specialist Electronics Electrical/Camera/Computer BPS-12
- Specialist (Networking) (BPS-12)
- Camera Operator (BPS-11)
- Data Assistant
- Specialized Assistant (BPS-11)
- UDC (BPS-11)
- Associate Security Supervisor (Technical) BPS-11
- Interpreter (BPS-10)
- Specialist (Hydraulic/X-Ray Machine (BPS-9)
- Calligraphist BPS-7
- Specialist (Generator AC) BPS 07
- Projectionist (BPS-6)
- Applicants should be enrolled residents of Pakistan. The people who are in taxpayer supported organization ought to apply through appropriate channel.
- Applications on recommended structure alongside copy of CNIC and most recent photo should arrive at Post Box No. 750, GPO, Rawalpindi by 27 September 2021. Copies of Educational/Qualification reports are not needed to be connected with the application structure at this stage.
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Note: Original CNIC, instructive/experience testaments and habitation are needed to be created at the hour of test/meet.
- Candidates to store Rs. 200/ – (with no additional bank charges) in Online Account Titled “CAO Exam Fee Fund” Number 4025241969 NBP GHQ (Branch Code – 0330), Rawalpindi in any NBP Branch and glue paid store slip (in unique) on switch side of use Form.
- Timetable for Test/Interview will be imparted to qualified/shortlisted applicants as it were.
- Number of posts can be expanded/diminished according to prerequisite of the office.
- Spot of obligation will be Rawalpindi.
- Age will be determined from the end date of receipt of uses which is 27 September 2021. Age unwinding will be permitted to the debilitate competitors and the applicants having a place with Sindh (R), Balochistan, Ex-FATA and AK according to existing guidelines recommended by the Govt of Pakistan.
- Age unwinding acceptable to resigned military faculty is 15 years or the quantity of years really served in military whichever is less, consequently greatest age limit for resigned military staff is 45 years.
- Applications got after due date/fragmented applications won’t be engaged.
- No TA/D A will be allowable for test/meet.
- For More Government Jobs Visit:
Administrator Officer, P. O. Box No. 750, GPO, Rawalpindi
Pak Army Po Box GPO 750 Rawalpindi Jobs 2021